Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series Read online

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  He chuckled humorlessly as he turned to face me. He lifted his shoulders in a shrug once again before tossing his arms out to the side.

  “Say something, you asshole!” I shoved him with my palm, trying to do as much damage as I could with what little strength I had. Mason was like brick wall though and I was like a butter knife trying to do damage. He chuckled again before using lighting quick reflexes to grab my wrist.

  His long fingers wrapped around it as he gave a quick yank, causing me to crash into him. His body was still made of hard muscle, but he was even bigger than the last time I’d done this. “He’s not fucking good enough for you,” he growled in my ear before grabbing each side of my face with his hands to hold me in place, and crashing his lips down on mine.

  Chapter 14


  I thought she’d fight harder, but she came willingly at first. The fight didn’t ensue until many moments later. I caught her off guard, and my actions had her so angry that she was acting on her feelings, and not her thoughts.

  When she careened into my chest and I felt the warm softness of her body I almost lost it. Her breasts pressed against my chest, before her hands began pushing against it. Her hips slammed into mine causing my dick to take notice, and when my mouth met hers I thought I’d died.

  I’ve been waiting weeks to do this. From that first night that she walked back into my life I’ve been fighting with myself to stay away. My brain just doesn’t want to listen though. My dick sees how beautiful she’s become, and my heart still remembers what it felt for her all those years ago. After seeing her walk by me tonight dressed to kill with another man, I just couldn’t deal anymore.

  The dress she’s picked was like something out of a dream. It fit her like a glove, skin tight all the way down to her thighs. One creamy shoulder exposed, and her breasts on full display. Any man would have to be blind not to notice her, and I don’t know how she expected things to go when she came in dressed like that, with another man no less.

  “You’re fucking killing me,” I growled as I slanted my head and deepened the kiss. She protested, but it was weak, and the longer I kissed her, the more she melted. She was remembering too; I just knew it. When her lips parted on a gasp, or maybe it was a feeble attempt to push me away again, I used it to my advantage. I slipped my tongue past her lips and moved one of my hands to her back. I slowly slid it down, pausing right above her ass. I didn’t want to push it, and I was working toward a second chance, not a restraining order.

  Dani swayed slightly before her palms shoved one last time, breaking us apart. “Get the fuck off me!” she squealed as she stumbled back.

  “I knew it!” I pointed at her. “It’s still there. You don’t want it to be, but it is,” I glared at her. “You still have feelings for me.”

  “You’re damn right I do. It’s called hate. Disgust. Anger,” she lifted her arms out to the side. “I fucking hate you!” she screamed at me.

  “That’s not true,” I lowered my voice as I tried to step closer to her, but she only moved back more. She was boiling mad, but I needed her to hear me out. “Dani, please,” I reached for her arm. She shook her head quickly and moved out of my reach.

  “I’m not doing this,” she narrowed her eyes and then wrapped her arms around herself like she was trying to protect herself from whatever pain I was going to inflict. “I’m not ever doing this again.”

  “Please. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for this. I’m sorry about before. I’m fucking sorry that any of it ever happened, but I want…” I paused as I tried to make her see how serious I was trying to be, “I need… FUCK! I need you to listen to me.” Her head continued to shake as she kept taking small steps back toward the direction we’d come. “Five minutes. Please?” I begged. “I’ll do anything. Five minutes. That’s all I’m asking. You can make me do whatever you want. I’ll leave you alone and never speak to you again if that’s what you want,” I swallowed. Saying the words was harder than I ever could have imagined, but if promising her I’d disappear was what she needed to hear, then I’d do it.

  I needed to tell her about Jen. I needed her to see that I’d changed. I needed her to understand that I wasn’t the same man I was back then. Back then I was a child. A conceited, self-centered, self-absorbed child who didn’t think for himself, but let his friends tell him what to do. Jen helped me understand what I’d done, and made me change for the better. I don’t even think the old me and the new me would even be recognized as the same person if we could stand side-by-side today.

  I stepped closer as I pleaded for her to give in to me, “Please?”

  “No,” she murmured as her lip trembled. “I can’t. I can’t ever do that again. I won’t. I’m not falling for it.”

  “Dani,” I was groveling at this point and took a few quick steps forward, putting me right in front of her. “Please?” I grabbed her upper arm and wrapped my fingers tight enough to cause her to halt. “I’ll do anything,” I could feel tears in the corners of my eyes and I blinked, hoping that she didn’t notice. I’d never let anyone see me cry except those that attended my parent’s funeral. Dani was different though, she made me feel things that I couldn’t control.

  “No,” she shook her head as she pulled back.

  “Please?” I slowly released her and watched her turn away from me.

  “No,” she yelled louder as she began running back to the door of the bar. Her voice sounded choked and I could tell that she was fighting the same tears I was. I was right when I told her she still had feelings for me. She was denying them, just I like I’d done all those years ago. Somehow in this twisted world, we’d switched roles and she was giving me a taste of my own medicine.



  As I rushed back to the door, I did everything I could to get myself back in control. He was not going to do this to me. Not now, not ever again. My heart was pounding against my ribs, and my palms were sweating. I could still feel his kiss on my lips as they tingled from the sensations that I’d been fighting against for weeks.

  I growled as I wiped the back of my hand over my mouth. The asshole was right, I did still feel something only I didn’t want to. He seemed to want the feelings to surface whereas I was trying to bury them so deep they’d never see the light of day again. Amber was right, Mason was an ass and I needed to remember that.

  I paused when I got to the door and just stared through the glass. I could see Jeff sitting at the bar talking to Lena, the bartender. He seemed to be laughing at something she was saying, and I felt bad that I’d just up and left him in there. I reached for the door handle, and noticed my hand was trembling. I took a few deep breaths before yanking it open, and striding in. I lifted my chin in the air, blinked a few times, and squared my shoulders before marching over to stop in the space beside him.

  “Sorry,” I smiled as I leaned against the bar. “I needed to check on something. I didn’t mean to leave you here.”

  “That’s alright. I know you’re working,” his eyes twinkled and he shifted to stand. “You lost your seat, so you can have mine,” he motioned to the stool as he stepped back.

  “Thank you,” I slid on and took the glass of wine that Lena set in front of me. She winked before turning to walk away.

  “I was beginning to worry that you left with someone else,” his voice was low and teasing as he murmured beside my ear.

  “Why would I do that?” I flirted as I felt my neck heat. I didn’t know where this attitude was coming from, but it sure felt good.

  “I was wondering the same thing,” he chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

  I giggled as I sipped my wine and observed my success. Aside from the minor hiccup with Mason, the night was going great. The reopening was a success, and Jeff was the perfect gentleman. He was attentive even though I’d left him several times, sweet, and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say.

  “Are you about ready to get out of here?” he murmured beside me. We’d
been sitting at the bar enjoying our conversation for the last hour, but it was getting late.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged as I smirked at him.

  “I’ll drive you home,” he smiled. “You’ve been drinking, and one of my buddies can follow us in your car. I’ll drive them back here,” he helped me off the stool and if I’d been a little more stable I would have argued, but the wine in me caused me to concede.

  “Ok,” I smiled as I grabbed my purse.

  Jeff led me out to his Mustang, and I couldn’t help but be a little impressed. It was black, and sleek, and I stared at it wide-eyed. “Nice,” I whistled.

  “Thanks,” he chuckled lightly as he opened the door for me. I climbed in, careful not to flash him, and relaxed back into the plush leather seats.

  We rode in silence other than me pointing out where to turn occasionally through downtown. When we reached my building, Jeff pulled up to the front, and parked. I was surprised when he got out and came around to help me, I mean his buddy Mike had followed us in my car. I thought I’d get out, Mike would get in, and they’d leave. Nice guys like Jeff didn’t exist, at least that’s what I thought.

  He reached for my hand to help me stand, and then walked me to the door. I assured him I could get upstairs, and thanked him for his help.

  “I had a nice time,” he smiled at me as we stood there in the lobby area.

  “Me too. Thank you again for tonight. I’m sorry I had to work,” I murmured as I glanced away from him. This was always the awkward part. The end. Was he going to kiss me? Did he want to? Did I want him to? Would he know that Mason had kissed me mere hours ago?

  “I’d like to take you out again, only next time let’s pick a night when neither of us has to work,” he smiled. “Maybe next weekend?” He smiled and bent his knees so we’d be eye level.

  “I’d like that,” I smiled shyly.

  “I’ll call you,” he grinned before cupping my jaw with his hand. “I really did have a nice time Danielle,” his eyes darted to my mouth before he leaned in slowly, giving me time to stop him before brushing his lips lightly over mine. He pulled away without deepening it, and winked before turning and leaving me standing there swooning.

  I watched him until he climbed back in his car to drive away before I turned to head upstairs. Just as I was opening my door, my cell buzzed with an incoming text. I flicked my thumb across the screen, bringing it to life as I pushed inside my apartment.

  Sweet dreams ;)

  I grinned, thinking after that goodbye I would definitely be having sweet dreams. Jeff was just what I needed to get Mason out of my head, only I knew he wasn’t going to go away willingly. Flashes of our moment outside flitted through my head as I removed my shoes and began heading to my bedroom. I wanted to get out of this dress and be comfortable. My phone buzzed again, and I opened the text without even looking to see who it was from. I figured it would be Jeff again, or maybe Amber. When I saw an unknown number flash at the top, I scowled. I didn’t give this number out. This was my personal cell, not my work number.

  I let my eyes scroll down to the text, and my knees weakened, causing me to slump down on the bed.

  I know I’m the last person you expected to hear from right now, and I’m sorry that I’m bombarding you like this but I really need to talk to you. Can you meet me for coffee tomorrow, please? There are some things you need to know, and I need to see your face when I tell you. ~Jen

  The phone slipped from my grip, crashing to floor as my heart sped up once again. How the hell was I ever going to move on when every time I started feeling good about something he had to ruin it?

  Chapter 15


  After Dani ran away from me, I knew I needed to make up some excuse to tell Sam and then get the hell out of there. I didn’t want to see her hang all over her date’s arm. I didn’t want to see him touch what was mine. I had her first, and I was going to have her again… I just wasn’t sure how yet.

  I found Sam at the back of the bar, and told her that Jen needed me at home. Sam knew our history, and she didn’t even blink when she told me to leave. Dev even offered to come with me. I told them both I’d be fine, after all nothing was really wrong with her. It was me. I was the one who needed to get away.

  I weaved through the crowd in the bar as I made my way up front. Jase had taken over for me at the door, and I couldn’t help but pause before I stepped out on the street again. She was sitting right there a mere ten feet away, cuddled into his embrace. I didn’t understand how she could make the feelings go away when I felt them just minutes before. She was laughing with him as she sipped her wine. He was gazing at her with a twinkle in his eye like he had an agenda for the night, and I just wanted to walk over there and punch him. His pretty boy face wouldn’t look so good with a split lip and black eye.

  I swallowed a few times to calm myself before forcing my feet to walk away. I couldn’t approach her like this. I needed her to forgive me first, then we might actually be able to fix this mess that I made all those years ago. I wasn’t sure how, but I knew I needed to beg my sister for help. She was the only one who could understand what Dani was going through, and she was the only one who knew how much I’d changed.

  When I reached my apartment, Jen was sitting in her usual spot on the couch. She had a pile of books laid out in front of her and a few papers in her hands. She spent most nights like this, cooped up in the apartment. The few times she did venture out, it was never in the evening. Night time still haunted her, and every time she had to deal with it, I was right there.

  “Hey,” I waved as I tossed my keys on the counter in the kitchen. “How’s your night going?”

  “Ok I guess,” she muttered as she shuffled the papers she was holding. “Got a big test in sociology tomorrow. Evan wanted to study tonight. It was awkward telling him no.”

  “Jenni,” I sighed. “You’ve been studying with him a couple of times. Maybe you should tell him.”

  “I can’t,” she shook her head. “He won’t understand, and it’ll make things weird between us.”

  “So what did you tell him?” I lowered myself onto the couch beside her. I knew I needed to let her go at this on her own pace. If I forced her to talk, she’d just shut me out too.

  “I said I needed to be home because you weren’t going to be, and our dog needed someone to stay with it,” she grimaced when I shook my head at her.

  “So now we have a dog?” I nudged her and smiled.

  “Yep,” she grinned. “He’s the best kind. Doesn’t have to be walked or taken out, and we don’t have to buy food for him.”

  “Jenni,” I scolded. “What are you going to do if Evan ever comes over here?”

  “He’s not,” she shrugged as she went back to her papers. “They never last that long.”

  “Do you think maybe that’s because you don’t want them to?” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she tensed. She still didn’t like to be touched, and sometimes I forgot that.

  “I’m not talking about this with you,” she mumbled as she shrugged out of my grasp.

  “I need a favor,” I tried to change the subject, and hoped that she’d do this for me. I was pushing her more than usual tonight, and praying that she didn’t shut down.

  “Why do I get the feeling that this is something that I don’t want to do?” her head swung in my direction and she pursed her lips waiting for my request.

  “You remember Dani Reed?” I closed my eyes and thought back to the first time Dani met my sister. They hit it off right away, and sat at our kitchen table talking when I brought Dani home to work on a project. My sister was so outgoing that she made friends with everyone back then.

  “You mean the Dani? The one we saw at the mall last week? The girl you actually liked, but let Asshole screw it up? That Dani?” her eyes grew wider and wider and it pained me that she was having to talk about Brad. Brad was the asshole as she called him now.

  “Yes,” my shoulders dropped as I placed my elbows
on my knees.

  “She used to live in Seattle, right?” Jen placed the papers she was holding on the table, and turned sideways drawing one leg up in front of her.

  “Yeah,” I mumbled, “but not anymore. She lives about five minutes from here. She’s the promoter that Sam hired for the bar.”

  Jen laughed lightly, “So let me get this straight. The one that got away has been right under your nose for who knows how long, and I’m just now hearing about it? Why is that? Why didn’t you say anything at the mall?”

  “It’s not fucking funny. I’ve been trying to get her to talk to me for weeks. She won’t even look at me, Jenni. I have to fucking corner her to get her to talk to me,” I balled my hands into fists.

  “Can you blame her?” Jen’s voice rose. “I’m mean really, Mase. After what you guys did,” she swallowed and tugged at her sleeves, a nervous habit she’d developed over the last six years.

  “That’s why I need your help,” I turned pleading eyes on her. “Will you talk to her?”

  “Whoa,” her head snapped back. “What exactly am I supposed to say? I agree with her, Mase. She has every right to be pissed as hell at you.”

  “I’ve changed. You know this. You know more than anyone that I’ve changed. I left that person behind me years ago, and I don’t even associate with any of that crowd anymore,” I slapped my palms on my thighs.

  “You wouldn’t have changed if it wasn’t for me,” her eyes watered. “He destroyed me, and you know that,” she glared at me as her eyes pooled with tears. “Look at me,” she raised her hands, “I can’t even go outside right now because of your FRIEND!” she emphasized the word friend as she stood from the couch.

  “Please Jenni. Please?” I sighed defeatedly. “I loved her. She needs to know that.”

  “I’ll think about it, but I can’t promise you anything Mase,” she mumbled as she shuffled to her room, leaving me sitting there.