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Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series Page 8

  “Hey,” I waved as I navigated the construction site and made my way to where she was sitting. “I’ve got some stuff for you to approve.”

  Sam’s head lifted, and she smiled when her eyes met mine, “Great. Give me some good news. I’m about ready to scream today.”

  “Well,” I grinned. “How do you feel about Jackknife playing at the reopening?”

  “Are you serious?” her mouth gaped open. “How did you book them? I’ve been trying to book them for months.”

  “I might have a connection to one of the band members,” I smiled as I watched her. The truth was a friend of a friend who owed me a favor is dating the drummer. I needed to score big on this job, and I knew this would put me over the top.

  “Ok. Wow. Um, this changes everything,” she muttered as she sat there letting my news sink in.

  “I’m good at what I do,” I stated matter-of-factly as I sat down across from her. “Wanna see what else I’ve got?” I crossed my arms on the table in front of me.

  “I’m all ears,” Sam sat back and placed the pencil she was chewing on on the table.

  I spent the next hour going over every little detail I had planned. How I’d asked a professional photographer to come in and take pictures of the place. I’d made up posters and flyers to put up at the local colleges and all around town. I’d found a local brewery that was going to sell us several of their new fall brews at a discounted rate in hopes that we’d continue to order from them. I’d suggested that we use a wristband system when we let people in the door since Sam was wanting to have a lunch hour. With letting in younger patrons we’d be able to attract customers that might come back during the day.

  I’d just finished up my spiel when the one person I was hoping to avoid came walking in the front door. Mason. “You’re late, but you look like shit, so I guess I’ll forgive you,” Sam teased.

  “I feel like shit,” he groaned and that’s when my head snapped up. My eyes widened when I took in his appearance. His hair was sticking up in every direction, his eyes had dark circles around them, and the shirt he was wearing had a stain on it. He looked like he’d literally just rolled out of bed. He hadn’t shaved, and his posture was so defeated. His eyes met mine, and he paused mid step. “Good morning,” he sighed as he watched me, his eyes softening as they tried to send a message. I wasn’t sure what it was, but the sadness rolling off him was palpable.

  I nodded as I sucked my lower lip into my mouth. I don’t know what he was expecting from me. I was still angry, but I’d spent so much time holding on to it that I was wearing myself out. I was tired of holding the wall up, and I just wanted to get past it. His hands balled at his sides as his head dropped and his shoulders lifted a few times with several deep breaths. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he mumbled as he turned and disappeared in the same direction he’d come.

  “You just got here,” Sam yelled as he stepped through the door. He lifted his hand and waved her off as he turned to head down the street.

  “I don’t know what happened in the past, but I’ve never seen him like this. You really did a number on him,” Sam murmured to me.

  “I didn’t do anything,” I scoffed. “He did this all on his own,” I shook my head as I started gathering my papers. I wanted to get my things together and get out of there before Mason came back. I’d finished the meeting, and I had a shit ton of stuff to do at home.

  “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business,” Sam sighed. “This all looks great. I’ll see you Friday when we set up, right?” she shuffled her own pile into a stack before looking up at me.

  “Yep. Friday. I’ll be here bright and early to make sure everything is the way it’s supposed to be,” I jerked my head in a quick nod before gathering my things, and turning quickly to leave.

  I kept my head down as I rushed towards the door, and before I knew it, crashed head first into a wall of muscle. “Shit!” I hissed as I stepped back. I knew who it was, but I didn’t want to talk to him. “Sorry,” I muttered as I tried to step around his frame.

  “It’s ok,” he gripped my upper arm, causing me to stop and freeze. “I got you something,” he held out a coffee in front of me with his other hand. “You looked like you could use one,” he thrust it towards me, and I lifted my eyes.

  It was a mistake, but a habit. His looked so sad, and my heart shuddered a little. He seemed genuinely sorry, but as I remembered what he said to me yesterday, the anger came rushing back. “Was this a bet too?” I snarled.

  “What? No,” he shook his head in confusion as he refused to release his grip on me. “I’m trying to tell you I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry isn’t going to work this time,” I tugged at my arm. “Please let me go,” I tried with everything in me to keep my voice even. I was working, and I didn’t want to be unprofessional. I think Mason sensed this, and this was why he decided to push me.

  “It’s a start Dani,” his shoulders slumped further. “I am sorry, and I want to try and fix this.”

  “Well, you can’t,” I tugged again. “Let me go. I’m working.”

  He loosened his grip enough that I could pull away but he stepped to the side, blocking my path. “Can you at least talk to me?”

  “No,” I tried to move around him. My blood pressure was slowly rising and it seemed no one around noticed what he was doing to me. I felt helpless, and he just didn’t seem to understand how I felt about this at all. “If you really cared about me at all, you’d know what you were doing to me and you’d leave me alone.”

  His breath whooshed out as he sighed before he stepped out of my way. “I really am sorry. I’m sorry I was an ass. I’m sorry that I hurt you, but most of all I’m sorry that I’ve lost one of the best friends I ever had.” He shoved the cup of coffee at me before turning and walking away.

  I stood there for a moment letting his words sink in. Best friend he ever had? What was that all about? Mason had tons of friends, and I wasn’t one of them. He’d pretended to be my friend until I gave him what he wanted. He seemed genuine in his apology, but I just didn’t understand how he thought after what he did that I’d forgive him with just an ‘I’m sorry.’ I shook my head as I rushed outside and to my car. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I needed to get away from him before he broke me down. I couldn’t ever feel anything but anger towards him ever again, I wouldn’t allow myself to.



  After leaving Dani’s apartment last night, I met up with some friends downtown. We went to several bars, and after the second one I was drunk enough that I could forget her for a few hours. How I let it slip that she was a bet was beyond me. I think I always wanted to tell her. Keeping that secret had eaten away at me in high school. After we left for college it was easy, I never saw her but now I seem to be running into her every damn day.

  It took more effort than I thought possible to get out of bed this morning and go into work. Sam had asked us all to help paint the new space. I wanted to be there, especially since she’d promised me a management position. I wanted to show her that I was serious about the place. I’d rolled out of bed late, and I didn’t even realize how bad I looked until I saw my reflection in the glass of the front door.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as I looked down at the huge stain on my shirt. Sam had said to wear old clothes, but I knew she didn’t mean dirty ones. In my haste to leave, I’d grabbed the t-shirt I’d worn last night. It had a nice beer stain down the front where one of my buddies had spilled on me.

  I ran my hands through my hair trying to tame it and wishing I’d just put a hat on when I saw her sitting at a table inside. I swallowed as I tried to calm myself. I needed to remember how to charm her. I had to get her to let me in, and the last time I did this it took weeks. She wasn’t pissed at me then, so I knew it might be months this time.

  “You’re late, but you look like shit, so I guess I’ll forgive you,” Sam called out as soon as I stumbled through the door. I stood there staring at Dani, and bas
ed on the way she looked I knew she had to have had a night just like mine. “I’ll be back in a minute,” I muttered as I turned and went right back outside. There was a coffee shop a block down the street, and I knew if I was going to get Dani to forgive me, I had to make her remember the good times.

  I rushed as quickly as my rundown body would allow to the coffee shop, and jockeyed for a place in line. When it was my turn I wracked my brain to remember the girly coffee she always had with her in the mornings. “Caramel latte with extra cinnamon,” I rambled “and a small black coffee.”

  “Coming right up,” the barista smiled. It took only a matter of minutes before my order was ready. I made my way over to the condiment counter to add a little cream to mine, this place always put in too much.

  When I noticed the group of young girls sitting at table doing what appeared to be studying, I turned and smiled. “Can I borrow a pen?” I asked. I knew I looked terrible, and I hoped I didn’t scare them off.

  “Sure,” one shrugged and began digging in her bag.

  “Thanks,” I nodded when she handed it to me. I turned back around and lifted the paper coffee cup. On the side in a blank spot I scrawled ‘I’m sorry’ and drew a little sad face. It was cheesy, I knew that, but I wanted to make her remember, and maybe even smile.

  I tossed the pen back on the table, grabbed my drinks, and began rushing back to the bar. I hoped Dani had stuck around and not used the opportunity to get away from me. If she’d stayed after seeing me there, I knew I had chance. I’m sure it was a small one, but I’d take it. I’d take anything at this point.

  Chapter 10


  9 Years Ago…

  As the days ticked by, Mason became a fixture in my life. It was odd really, I’d never really dated but that seemed to be what we were doing. He’d show up every morning, freshly showered and sometimes with his sister, to drive me to school. We’d chat the entire way about various things, our classes, football, college, our future. He seemed to think that we had one, but I was still skeptical. It was different with Mase and I wasn’t sure I trusted myself around him yet.

  We’d been on several dates over the last few weeks, and the closer we got to Homecoming, the more nervous I became. He’d asked me last week to represent him in the Homecoming court and go to the dance afterward. I still hadn’t given him an answer. I didn’t know if I wanted to do it. I didn’t like being on display in front of our entire school, and that’s exactly what would happen. I’d have to stand on the field at halftime while he escorted me. The students would vote all week for the winner, and I knew that wouldn’t be me. I wasn’t popular and several of Mason’s friends made me very aware of that fact. They’d question him, right in front me, about why he was with me. Girls would rub his arm or chest and make suggestive comments about how they could please him. He always pushed them away, but deep down inside I wondered how long he’d wait for me.

  We’ve done lots of kissing, and I’d finally given in and let him touch me last week. I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was amazing. My entire body trembled, and the sounds that filled the car were downright erotic, but I’d stopped us before it went too far. Mason was the perfect gentleman even though I know it killed him to stop. I could feel his erection against my thigh when he leaned into me that night. He’d whispered words to me that I’d never heard before. He told me I was beautiful, how much he wanted me, what he could do to me. I remember blushing, and if we hadn’t been concealed in the dark in the backseat of his car I probably wouldn’t have done half the things I did, but we were.

  That night I’d called Amber as soon as Mason had dropped me off and told her everything. She'd asked me if that meant that I was going to ‘do it’. I told her no, but as the days ticked by and Mason continued to evoke these feelings in me, I didn’t think I’d be able to stop if he went there again.

  “So have you decided?” Mason nudged my thigh as he pulled into the school’s parking lot, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “Huh?” I blinked a few times as I glanced over at him. I could feel my face heating as I remembered what I’d been daydreaming about, and I swallowed as I tried to calm myself.

  “About Homecoming?” his brow wrinkled. “You know the dance, a pretty dress, me,” he paused. “We could have a really good time,” his eyes darted all over my face, “that is if you want to.”

  “I don’t know,” I murmured as I turned my head away. “I don’t know if I’m ready.”

  “We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I could hear the restraint in his voice, and wondered how long he was going to let me put him off.

  “I want to Mase, it’s just this is a big deal for me,” I murmured.

  “Hey,” he reached over and gripped my chin. “I know that,” his eyes softened as he stared at me. I couldn’t tell what the emotion was, but something flashed in them so quick I almost missed it. If I didn’t know him as well I did, I wouldn’t have worried at all.

  “What’s wrong?” I whispered.

  “Nothing,” he shook his head slightly. “I just really want to go to the dance with you,” he grinned.

  “Is this why you didn’t give Jen a ride today?” I smirked. “You wanted to ambush me?”

  “Maybe,” he shrugged before leaning closer. “Maybe I just wanted some alone time to try and convince you to say yes,” he leaned in even more and pressed his lips to mine. Normally our kisses started out light and sweet. They moved slowly into that state of desperation, but this one was intense. Mason’s tongue plunged in right away stealing my breath as his hand gripped my head. His fingers weaved through my hair and he pressed himself as close as he could get into the center console. He groaned as his body shifted and he nipped my lower lip before pulling back. “How am I doing?” he murmured before covering my mouth again.

  I gasped as his other hand lifted from where it was resting on the seat, and began to fondle my breast. He squeezed lightly and the zing that rushed through my body had me instinctively leaning in for more. It wasn’t until someone knocked on the window that I shoved him away. I flew back into my seat gasping for breath, shocked at myself for what I was doing, in the school parking lot of all places. Mason’s face contorted in a wordless apology before he shoved open his door, and stood halfway up. I could tell by his posture that he was trying to hide the erection now tenting his jeans, but he wanted to deal with the offender, too.

  “What the fuck man?” he growled over the car at someone who was cackling.

  “You need to get a room,” the voice I now determined was Brad’s howled in laughter.

  “You need to mind your own fucking business,” Mason slammed his hand down on the roof of the car, causing me to jump. Surprise had left me at this point, and now the embarrassment of what we’d been doing began to seep in. “Get the fuck out of here!”

  When Brad turned to walk away, Mason lowered himself back inside. “I’m sorry about that,” he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut.

  “I need to get to class. The bell’s gonna ring any minute,” I leaned forward and attempted to lift my bag off the floor from where it rested between my feet.

  “Dani, wait!” Mason’s hand flew out to grip my arm. “I am sorry,” he sighed before he growled. “Fucking Brad is always in my business,” he muttered under his breath. He took a few deep breaths before turning his eyes back to mine. “So the dance? Will you go?”

  “I don’t know,” I looked around. I didn’t want to be on display anymore, but Mason had seemed to already have forgotten about it.

  “Please,” he begged. “We don’t have to do anything but dance, promise,” he made an x over his chest.

  “Ok,” I relented. “I’ll go to the dance with you.” I turned and started to climb out of the car when Mason’s words stopped me.

  “He’s right, you know. We should get a room if we’re going to keep doing this. I can do that if you want.” I could tell he was waiting for me to object by the way he r
ushed out of the car and around to my side. “It’s totally up to you,” his voice lowered as he moved closer to me, “but Dani… the things I want to do to you shouldn’t be on display for anyone else,” he whispered in my ear. “Think about it,” with that he turned and began walking toward the front door, leaving me reeling there in the parking lot. Did I want that? Could I do that? Mason knew exactly what to say to get me to give into him, and the more I thought about how he made me feel, the more I wanted to try and be that girl for him.



  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve been planning and working towards it for months now, and I’m actually gonna do it. Tonight I’m going to seal the deal with Dani. I don’t think she knows that that’s what’s going to happen, but I could see her giving in as soon as I asked. She melts for me, and if I take my time and warm her up I think she’ll come willingly in more ways than one.

  I’ve spent the week talking myself into this, and every time I see fucking Brad he makes me want to scream. I know he thinks I’m just doing this for the bet, but I actually like her. Dani’s cool in ways I never thought about before. She’s so strong and independent. She knows when to tell me to shut the hell up, and she’s not afraid to do it. I’ve never been in love before, but I think I might love her. The little giggle she does when she’s nervous makes me want to kiss her nerves away.

  She let me touch her two weeks ago, and it was like fucking heaven. I don’t know what she looks like under all the clothes, but the way her face warmed and her eyes rolled back, I know she’s gonna be responsive in bed. My only fear now is that I can’t do it. What happens if I can’t go through with it? Or if she finds out that this started as a bet? What will I do if Brad or Chris or one of the other seniors opens their mouth and tells her that when all this started she was nothing but a fucking challenge for me? I’ve never actually been with a girl that I felt something with. I’ve been with a lot of girls but it was a physical thing, this is different. I like Dani. I like being around her. I like the way she makes me feel, like I’m worthy of her.